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By Eoghan Sweeney Chief Football Writer
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===================== (¿ø¹®) Whose Conspiracy?
By Eoghan Sweeney Chief Football Writer It has taken the form of a trial. Media, coaches and players _ generally from countries whose teams are now on their summer holidays _ arm themselves with statistics that add up to ``evidence'' proving there is a conspiracy by South Korea.
Taken at face value, the figures seem compelling. Portugal had two red cards against the home side. Italy had one. Italy and Spain had ``goals'' disallowed. Clear proof of favoritism _ or is it?
Take these incidents one by one, rather than as a single lump, and the picture is somewhat different.
Portugal did indeed have two players sent off. Both were thoroughly deserved. Joao Pinto's airborne, two-footed lunge from behind on Park Ji-sung was one of the worst fouls of the entire tournament. Beto received two yellow cards, both for blatantly taking down a player who had beaten him _ a clearly bookable offense.
Football has rules for a reason, and when a team runs foul of them, who is to blame? Rather than showing bias, the referee was applying those rules.
Francesco Totti could consider himself unlucky for his second yellow card. Unlucky, but not dreadfully sinned against. There was contact when the Italian forward went down under a clean tackle, Song Chong-gug getting a foot in and taking the ball away, but the melodramatic appeals for a penalty that may have decided the game hardly helped his case.
The next statistic is that Italy had a goal disallowed, and Spain, two.
Again, there were poor decisions. Tommasi appeared to be onside in the South Korea-Italy match, and the ball was clearly still in play when Spain's Joaquin crossed for Morientes.
To call these ``disallowed goals,'' however, ignores the fact that Lee Woon-jae, one of the tournament's best goalkeepers, made no attempt to save.
Indeed, a biased referee would have been well within his rights to book Tommasi for running on and putting the ball in the net after the whistle had gone and the South Koreans had stopped playing.
The assertion on one of the world's most influential football websites that ``Spain were robbed of a golden-goal winner'' is a shameful overstatement of the reality of the situation, and it is interesting that having originally said that Fernando Morientes had headed home ``with goalkeeper Lee Woon-jae stranded,'' this latter part was later removed, presumably after someone had paid more attention to the replay.
Two poor decisions, certainly, but ``two goals disallowed'' sounds a tad exaggerated.
Spain did have one disallowed in the second half, but again replays show a clear foul.
Just as disturbing as this skewed use of statistics is the tendency to take a one-sided view.
South Korea have benefited from poor refereeing decisions. That is a simple fact. Just as simple is that so have other teams. Furthermore, South Korea have also suffered from poor decisions.
Quite how Spanish midfielder Romero escaped unpunished for two scandalous tackles is mystifying. Had Kim Nam-il gone in, studs up, into a Spanish player's shin, ending his involvement in the game, and got off scot-free, rather than vice-versa, it would no doubt have been cited as further proof of a ``fix." How would things have turned out if Spain had been down to 10 men from the 13th minute on?
Joaquin had a marvelous match, but won such a number of dubious free-kicks that one had to wonder whether the referee had his mind partly on the disgraceful public intervention by Sepp Blatter the day before. Is the FIFA chief so naive as to think fair play could be served by publicly supporting Italy, a team who were claiming to have been robbed by South Korea and the officials?
Ironically, South Korea were among the first victims the last time FIFA put pressure on referees, Ha Seok-ju getting red-carded against Mexico in 1998 for a tackle from behind shortly after the governing body had ordered a clampdown and thrown players and officials into confusion.
Watching the quarterfinal, Ha must have been bemused to see Romero clatter into Song Chong-gug in identical fashion in the second half and escape without even a booking.
Italian players twice got the benefit of the doubt when swinging the arm into players' faces in a manner that in the English Premier League at least is generally punished with red. Totti got yellow for felling Kim Nam-il; Vieri broke Kim Nam-il's nose without any repercussions.
Anyone looking at statistics might be interested to note that South Korea have conceded more free-kicks than any other team in the World Cup. It would take some stretch of the imagination to see them as being among the tournament's dirtier sides.
Of course, it is fascinating to have conspiracy stories flying around. It also helps fallen giants deflect responsibility for their own shortcomings _ We didn't really lose; we were robbed. It is also misleading, and detracts from the achievements of a team who have worked their socks off to get to where they are.
ÀԷ½ð£ 2002/06/23 18:22
Comment : 14, Read : 690, IP : 2002/06/24 Mon 08:50:15 ¡æ 2002/06/24 Mon 11:20:14 |
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2002/06/24 |
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2002/06/24 |
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2002/06/25 |
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2002/06/25 |