A_각종 test용 페이지

!@#… rss 피드 테스트중.

  • Some notes I left on Bluesky, slightly before and on the immediate aftermath of the shooting at the GOP rally, with minor elaborations. — In every sane timeline, this should lead to a bipartisan (read: the GOP finally rediscovering decency), […]
  • Memos I took on Bluesky during and shortly after the livecast debate, as organized by CNN. “So far, Trump speaks just like a modern AI. Straight bullshit crawled from questionable corners of the internet and simply circling back to a […]
  • The cases below are examples of how I aimed to utilize various media formats in journalism to communicate the key issues more effectively. In most cases, the main emphasis was on communicating the complex and nuanced factors in the story. […]
  • Some trivial musings about the X: or, social media service formerly known as Twitter which somehow got the name of the originally failed attempt to rebrand Paypal. Originally posted on my Bluesky, which for some whatever reason is still in […]
  • ChatGPT for language. Midjourney for pictures. Discussing matters of public interest and formulating opinions on them require a steady intake of facts and opinions that reflect social realities and values. Just like we need good ingredients to cook great food. […]

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